International Battery Seminar & Exhibit July 28-30, 2020 VIRTUAL
International Battery Seminar & Exhibit July 28-30, 2020 VIRTUAL The event will focus on advanced battery technologies, including lithium-battery-technology for consumer, automotive and military applications.

International Battery Seminar & Exhibit July 28-30, 2020 VIRTUAL
The event will focus on advanced battery technologies, including lithium-battery-technology for consumer, automotive and military applications.
This year as plenary keynote speakers there are:
M. Stanley Whittingham (PhD, SUNY Distinguished Professor, Member, National Academy of Engineering, Director, NECCES EFRC at Binghamton, SUNY at Binghamton) with theme:
The Li Battery: From Its Origin to Enabling an Electric Economy
And also Jeff Dahn (PHD, NSERC/Tesla Canada Industrial Research Chair, Dalhousie University) with this theme:
An Unavoidable Challenge for Ni-Rich Positive Electrode Materials for Li-Ion Batteries
Bob Galyen (CTO, Contemporary Amperex Technology Ltd. (CATL) talks about the Fast-Changing World of Battery Applications
Celina Mikolajczak (Vice President, Battery Technology, Panasonic Energy of North America) speaks about this theme:
The New NFPA 855 Standard for Installation of ESS
And Avetik Harutyunyan (PhD, Chief Scientist and Research Director, Materials Science, Honda Research Institute) with this theme:
An Intrinsically Flexible Li-Ion Battery for Wearable Devices
Further information can be found under this link:
We aren´t able to attend this year but feel free to share your impressions of the VIRTUAL International Battery Seminar & Exhibit with us.
At Lithium Battery Service you can find checklists and a lot of information how to ship and transport lithium cells and lithium batteries. For every transport case
You can find these checklists via "Find a single checklist":
Before shipping,every lithiumcell and -batterie must be manufactured according to a quality management program.
More about the manufacture according to the QM program for lithium cells and lithium batteries can be found here:
Since 01.01.2020 a UN 38.3 Test Summary needs to be provided by the manufacturer and any subsequent supplier on request. And if you want to inquire about the conformity to the UN 38.3 Test summary, you may use our Supplier Inquiry Form for free:
More about the UN 38.3 test can be found here:

On-Demand-Webinare: Energie - Trends in der Batterieindustrie: Einblicke aus Tests von Drittanbietern

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